Traveler in the Dark The glow of the setting sun entrenched the peaceful Italian countryside in a blazing red haze. The small rural highway was surrounded by rich forests currently going through the enchanting transformation of autumn. The picturesque landscape was unfortunately lost on the highways sole traveler Chiara Gallo. She sat behind the wheel of her car with a complete lack of interest in the stunning world around her. Her family reunion had gone exactly how she expected it would. It was 2 days straight of “Chiara when are you getting married?” “You aren’t getting any younger so you might want to start thinking about children.” She let out a frustrated sigh. It wasn’t that she hadn’t tried to start a family however her dating life was in shambles and when it came to children she didn’t know where to start. “I just don’t understand them.” Chiara said out loud to the crisp country air. Speaking her thoughts out loud was something of a bad habit she had picked up over...