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What Is an Aura? and Whole Details about It

    Are you fascinated by the fascinating, vibrant realm of aura readings? Here's a look at what auras are, why they're so popular in spiritual circles, and how to figure out what they're saying about you.

What is Aura?
When someone says "aura," they're referring to the unseen spiritual energy field that envelops all living things.

    "Everything that is alive has an aura," says Kathryn Grace, owner of Aura Shop in Santa Monica, California, which offers aura readings. The many colours of your aura are supposed to reveal information about your emotional and spiritual health.

      While Grace claims that seeing aura colours with the naked eye isn't always possible, we can typically feel them. Consider how, even before they speak a word, certain people exude a tremendously warm and pleasant feeling (or a very negative energy); this is the aura at work.

What are the 7 layers of the aura?
      Your aura, according to Grace, consists of seven auric levels, each representing something different (also known as planes or bodies). Think about them as the onion layers, with your physical body in the middle.
Physical aura plane: The physical aura plane, as its name implies, is the layer of our physical health. This is your skin's nearest layer.It's also called the etheric plane.
Emotional aura plane: This is the plane that matches your feelings. This plane will show you all if you are up in your feelings. It changes colour depending on your mood and appears dull or confused when you experience emotional disturbance.
• Mental aura plane: This plane is all about logic, reasoning, and ideas. It's the third layer of skin that protrudes from your body.
Astral body aura plane: It's all about logic, reasoning, and ideas on this plane. It's the protruding third layer of skin on your body.
Etheric aura plane: This is where you'll discover your psychic powers. A pure etheric plane allows you to tap into the energy of others and connect with people who are on the same wavelength as you.
Celestial aura plane: This is the plane where you save your dreams and instincts. It's also the plane of enlightenment; people who have a strong celestial aura plane are usually very creative.
Causal aura plane: This is the final plane of the aura. It harmonises all of the other levels and, in essence, assists you in navigating your life's path.

What do their colours mean?
   The seven primary chakras are represented by the colours of your aura: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown. Your aura is made up of the aforementioned auric layers and is connected to these chakras.

  Knowing which colours belong to particular chakras might aid in deciphering what your aura is trying to tell you.
Red: The colour red resonates with your root chakra. "It's located at the base of your spine and houses your core concerns such as who you are, your home, career, manifesting powers, and values," Grace explains. If your aura is red, it signifies you're operating from a solid foundation.
Orange:The sacral chakra, which is located in your lower abdomen, is related with the colour orange. Grace explains, "It comprises the emotional body's initial energy, creativity, the ability to reach out to others in relationships, and sexual energy."

If you have orange in your aura, it means you're emotionally akin to curling up under a weighted blanket. You're also self-sufficient and realistic.
Yellow: Yellow is associated with your solar plexus chakra. This chakra is located a few inches above the navel. Grace claims that it is "Your individuality, personal strength, identity, and emotions are all housed here. It's how you define yourself to yourself and the rest of the world." Yellow auras indicate that you are imaginative, curious, and upbeat.
Green and pink: These colors relate to your heart chakra. It's no surprise that your heart chakra is all about love—for others and for yourself. "It houses compassion and the energy of forgiveness. It is also the access to divine mind and intuition," Grace says. People with these pink or green aura colors tend to be compassionate, kind, and loving.
Blue: The colour blue is associated with the throat chakra. Grace explains, "It's your way of expressing yourself, saying what you need, and communicating to yourself and others." A blue aura indicates that you are intuitive and empathic.
• Purple and violet: Purple is associated with your third-eye chakra, which you're probably familiar with if you've done yoga. Grace says it's "above your physical eyes in the centre of your forehead." "It is your vision of everything you want to create, your intuition." You may discover that you have psychic abilities and are highly intuitive.
White: White auras are incredibly rare. Your crown chakra, located above your head, vibrates at this color. "It connects you to All That Is, Oneness, and the understanding that we are all connected," Grace says. 
Black: If your aura appears black, it indicates that you are holding on to some negative thoughts and emotions that are obstructing the flow of energy through your chakras.

Where to get an aura reading?
   If you live in a big city, there are probably aura readers nearby who will read your energy for you and give you a recap in person. Aura photography is another popular (and frequently very affordable) method for viewing your aura in photograph form.

   If you don't have access to an aura studio, apps like AURLA and Aura & Energy will provide you with free virtual readings, though they may be less accurate.

How to learn to read your own aura?
       You can also learn to see your own aura, according to Grace: "You can see it in a mirror by focusing on body parts (like your hands), in meditation, or in visualisations."

You can also try rubbing your hands together to create friction, then slowly and deliberately moving them apart and back together to see if any colours emerge.

Once you've mastered it, you can try reading the auras of your friends and family.

Can your aura's colors change over time?
The colours of a person's aura can and will change over time. Because changes in your energy are reflected in your aura, the colours of your aura do not remain constant throughout your life. If you are consistently dominant in one aura colour, you can learn about its meaning and how to balance out its dominant energy.

   According to aura reader Rachelle Terry, because those with the purple aura are more sensitive, intuitive, and introverted, they may want to work on establishing stronger boundaries so they don't pick up on the negative energy of others. As a result, they may notice that their aura's purple colour becomes less dominant over time.

You don't like what you've seen? Here's how to purify your aura.
  If you're unhappy with the energy you're expending, there are numerous things you can do to change it. Bathing in the sun, taking a dip in water (especially if it's cold), smudging yourself, completing a chakra-balancing meditation, doing sound therapy, dressing for the aura you want, or consulting with an energy healer are all ways anyone can care for their aura, according to Grace.

    If you receive a personalised reading, you can also request strategies for balancing, clearing, and strengthening your chakras and energy afterward for more tailored advice.

The bottom line

The invisible energy fields that surround all living things are known as auras. Their colours can be interpreted to reveal your personality, preferences, and patterns. You can have your aura read virtually or in person, and you can also learn to read auras on your own. If you're unhappy with the colours of your aura, energy cleansing techniques such as meditation, sound therapy, and chakra work can help you change them gradually.


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